By joining the push towards Carbon Neutrality through the use of our platform, our aim is to lead the way to a future of Carbon Neutral Motorsport in the UK and beyond.
As Motorsport participants, whether Series Organisers, Team Owners, Drivers, Car Owners, supporters or spectators, we all have a duty to ensure that the planet is looked after so it can be enjoyed by future generations.
Carbon Offsetting matters because to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement, namely limit the global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius before the end of the century and re-balance the world to a climate neutral one, everyone and every entity needs to take urgent climate action.
Rather than reducing or stopping your participation in Motorsport, you can use our platform to show the world that we are all doing our bit to achieve the ultimate goal. Carbon Neutral Motorsport.
The Platform.
We are developing a web portal which offers Race Series Organisers, a system to help with the administration, monitoring and promotion of a Carbon Offset Program.
Our system gives organisers the tools needed to promote a Race Series as Carbon Neutral, as it will offset the Carbon emissions of participants, teams and also gives the opportunity for spectators to offset their journeys to and from each circuit.
We have had great initial feedback from a number of Series Organisers and we hope all Clubs, Championships and Race Series will join us and encourage their competitors to Offset their seasons Carbon Emissions going forward.
Web Portal.
The Web Portal will have a landing page which will give four initial options.
The options will be,
- Series Organisers
- Race Teams
- Competitors/Car Owners
- Spectators/Supporters.
Series Organisers.
The Series Organiser will log into the system and fill in the details of their seasons racing. The details they enter will be the basis for the portal’s calculations.
The system will ask for Race dates, number of tests/practices, duration of tests, either in minutes or laps, Qualifying sessions, and number and duration of races, again either in minutes or laps. There is also a column for number of race tyres used at each meeting.
The back of house system will use all of these details to calculate the quantity of Carbon emissions produced for each event.
There will be an option to enter the names and race numbers of competitors registered with the series, which the system can use to inform organisers of competitors and teams who have signed up.
When competitors use the system and fill in their details the Series Organisers will be able to log into their own page and monitor which competitors have registered and paid for their seasons Carbon Offset.
Once a competitor has completed the process, organisers will be able to view the Competitors Carbon Offset Certificate.
This facility is free to all Race Series Organisers.
Race Teams.
Race Team Owners will log onto the portal and they can then choose from a pre-determined list, which series they are competing in, from the details already entered by the Series Organisers.
They will then choose vehicles, trucks, vans, generators, Quad bikes, golf buggies etc, all adding to a final seasons Carbon Emission figure.
This figure will determine their cost band and they will complete the transaction in the same way the competitors do.
They will also be issued with a certificate and a QR Code. The QR Code can be placed on a team truck or vehicle allowing anyone to scan the code which will take them to the teams page within the portal showing their Carbon Offset Commitment.
Competitors/Car Owners.
Each competitor/car owner will log into the same system through the Competitors/Car Owners tab and create an account. We will give them options to customise this page with car information, sponsors details and a Bio.
They can then choose from a pre-determined list, which series they are competing in, from the details already entered by the Series Organisers.
They can choose to enter a complete season or a number of rounds along with any number of test/track days they plan to attend.
They enter the details of their race car and the system will place them in a cost band based on the overall kg/t of Carbon Emissions produced.
When they complete the transaction and pay for their Carbon Offset Credits, a Certificate with a unique number will be produced and emailed to them. A copy of this certificate will be saved on their webpage within the portal.
The certificate will show the competitors Race Car details and number, not their name as the Carbon Offset is for the vehicle, not the driver. It will also show the amount of carbon that has been Offset.
The Series organisers will be informed that the competitor has signed up and completed their Carbon Offset and they will be able to view the certificate through their Portal.
When the Certificate is produced we will also produce a QR code, unique to each car. We will issue printed vinyl stickers of that QR Code for the competitor to add to the race cars livery. This will allow anyone to scan the code at the circuit and will link to a unique URL which will be the competitors homepage.
We have taken an average distance from the centre of the country to all circuits and have calculated an overall average Carbon Emission figure for an average car. It is such a small figure that we feel it is better to offer a one off fee to spectators which will cover them for each trip.
The spectators will be able to log into the same system and create an account, and using the same lists of events, choose the ones they plan to attend and pay for the Carbon Offset. They will not be issued with a certificate but an emailed acknowledgement of their offset.
We will offer this service for as little as £2.50 – £3.50 per event.
Further down the line, this could be linked to ticketing discounts or incentives.
Carbon Offset Credits.
As a company, we purchase Carbon Offset Credits from a number of accredited organisations. These offset credits can only be used once and as credits are purchased though our system, the individual certificate numbers will be linked to each batch of credits giving full transparency for auditing purposes.